Tried, true and proven delicious classics.

discover how delicious it can really be!


Appetizers, side dishes, main dishes and desserts from the Feast and Farm test kitchen right to your table. They will all be favorites!


No fancy ingredients or health food in these–just what works for meals that warm hearts.


Challenge your inner chef with prime rib, yeasted breads, and much more anyone can make with in depth instructions.

Please note, this is a digital download. No physical product will be mailed to you.
Happy Notes

What’s Inside:

  • 21 Family favorite classics
  • Appetizers that taste complicated but are oh so easy!
  • A Christmas morning cinnamon roll that sells for $35 a dozen your family will love.
  • Restaurant quality main dishes like prime rib, truly indulgent fettuccine alfredo, and lobster mac and cheese.

I’m Rachel!

Creator & Maker of all the best recipes!

As someone who has battled chronic illness, I know first hand what the power of food can do, but I hated the feeling of restriction “diets” bring.

While I love to teach food as fuel for wellness, there are times when we can indulge and celebrate without restrictions.

Feast and Farm is here to teach you how to use food so you can live, love and do more of what brings you joy.
